XBCD Applications

XCalc Scientific Calculator

A screen shot of XCalc appears below. This calculator uses XBCD_Math internally and provides an RPN stack-oriented interface. An input Edit box allows the user to key in and modify or correct entries before they are placed in the 'X' register.

Screen Shot of XCalc

You can download XCalc here. A brief text file with notes to get you started using it is included in the zip archive.

As noted earlier, all software on this site should be considered as experimental and/or under development. You are free to use XCalc as you wish, but no guarantees on accuracy or performance are provided.

Expression Evaluator

A DOS application which evaluates math expressions in extended precision using the XBCD_Math package can be found here. This simple application supports standard math operators and functions as well as the factorial (!) operator and Gamma function.

Windows Extended Precision Expression Evaluator

Here is a small expression evaluator using extended precision XBCD math functions and implemented as a Windows application. It supports expressions involving math operators, elementary and transcendental functions. As many as 50 variables can be defined and expressions containing them can be evaluated. A journal containing the history of the current invocation can be save in an ASCII text file for future reference. There is no separate documentation, but the About box and reference to the screen shot below should get you going.

Screen Shot of Expression Evaluator

Polynomial Root Finder

A high precision polynomial root finder has been implemented using the XBCD_Math package. This DOS executable employs a new algorithm for accurately determining roots of multiplicity exceeding unity. The method is described here.

Starfleet Academy Cadet Calculator Simulator

This application of the XBCD math package was written to simulate a future Star Trek cadet calculator.

Screen shot of Cadet Calculator

At some point in time I expect to add a version which supports complex numbers and one which is programmable.

Help is available for most functions by right clicking on the button or label. The DIAGNOSTICS function is not yet activated. Download calculator here.